Strauss Group
Strauss Group, one of Israel’s largest food products manufacturers, approached us in order to create a concept, a design and a visual language for the first hummus festival of the ‘Ahla’ brand. A huge production, including hummus tours in 3 different cities, chef dinners in dozens of restaurants across the country, with the main event being a culinary fest in Tel Aviv’s Sarona Complex. The event was accompanied by a huge campaign on social media, MAKO (a big Israeli news app), street billboards, and a lot of PR work. We created a visual language based on the festival concept – a new kind of hummus. We illustrated abstract images which resemble the concept of a hummus meal and built a content website detailing all the events of the festival. The project was extremely successful. Our “hummuserie” stand, which we branded as a place to get fresh hummus on the spot was rebuilt later at Israel’s Veganism Festival and was an attraction for thousands of visitors.